Education Food Health

Healthy Pancakes Using Only Two Ingredients!

Eating a nutritious diet is essential for our overall health and well being. Incorporating fruits and vegetables in your diet can help you obtain all of those vitamins and minerals that your body needs. With that said, here is a healthy pancake recipe using only two ingredients! The first time I tried this recipe, I was so surprised by how simple, easy, and incredibly delicious it was. If you haven’t already, take a look at her page and get ready to sweat and eat healthy!

(Free photo 4585878 © Thornberry –

Before I post the pancake recipe, here are some fun facts about bananas!

Bananas help fight depression. They are packed with Tryptophan which is an essential amino acid for the human body. When ingested, the Tryptophan is then converted to serotonin which is a neurotransmitter in the brain known to lift mood levels.

Bananas are great to eat as a pre-workout snack! It’ll give you energy and sustain your blood sugar.

Ladies! Bananas are helpful with PMS and cramps. It also helps fight against osteoporosis by counteracting calcium loss and helps builds strong bones. This is essential for us since studies have shown that women are at a higher risk of suffering from osteoporosis than men.

Bananas are a natural antacid which helps against GERD, acid reflux, and heartburn.

Bananas help you feel more alert due to its high levels of potassium. Eat a banana in the morning rather than drinking coffee or eat a banana before an exam and you’ll be good to go!

(Free photo 109912055 © creativecommonsstockphotos –

And here it is! The two ingredient pancake recipe!

All you need is:
1 Banana
1 Whole Egg

That’s it! Mash the banana, mix the two ingredients using a blender, put your pan on low heat, spray some Pam on your pan and pour on some of the batter! Wait a minute or two, flip the pancake and you’re done!
It is super easy and super yummy!

Also, instead of using syrup, I would suggest using a bit of honey instead. It’s a natural sweetener which is a better alternative as opposed to syrups that contains high levels of fructose which can cause obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Enjoy eating this healthy meal! Good luck ~


(1) Comment

  1. […] Fruits are a colorful part of everyone’s diet. They are high in fiber, water, vitamin C, and sugars. Fruits contains many “sugars” such as fructose, which is one of the building blocks in maintaining the structural and functional integrity in the body. Fruits contain carbohydrates, which is one of the primary sources of energy for all cells. This may explain why fruits such as bananas are eaten as a pre-workout meal. It gives the body the fuel needed for the stress it undergoes while exercising. Bananas contain several health benefits as I explain here.  […]

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